Friday, January 29, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you." by Dr. Randy Pausch
I think this quote means that if you make good choices in your life, there is no need to worry about getting to your goals. Also that if you lead your life well, all the good luck and fortune will come to you. If people try to bring you down and you keep on making right choices, the carma will hit them back. So you won't have to worry about those kind of people. Choosing the right can get you to where your goals are. But if you make wrong decisions in your life, you might not get at all close to your goals. Being friendly to others is a big part of achieving your goals. This is because if you need someones help, you want to ask someone for that kind of help. So by living your life well and making the correct and feel-better decisions will get you to your goals. But it is all you, you are the one who can decide if you want your goals to come to you.
Monday, January 25, 2016
"Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY, the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destines nation."by Theodore Roosevelt
I think this quote means that you need to teach yourself how to be a good person. And when we teach our selves to be a good person others will want to do what you are doing right. Taking care of yourself by not miss-treating your body, nor using drugs, and being kind makes someone a good person. These are things that will get others to want to look up at you. Making right choices in your life and choosing the right is another good deed in helping out yourself. So what Theodore is trying to say is that by the years of choosing new presidents, they will just keep on getting more and more great at being great. It is up to us to decide wheater our nation and youth shall be rude or respectful.
Hospital Buddy Program
- many around the Los Angeles community
- students must visit continually
- you can apply if you are a college student
- teach you others emotions, change your life, and inspire you
- help these children with love, friendship, and support
- each student will have their own child to care for
- provide care, friendship, etc. for children with cancer
Thursday, January 21, 2016
"Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being." by Mr. C. S. Haymore
This quote means that you should be responsible for your own actions. As in if you choose to take care of all of you, that is a good thing because then you will have a good healthy life. A way of taking care of your body is my not piercing it and not getting tattoos. For everything you choose in life that you might regret in the future, you should take responsibility instead of blaming someone for your own action. A way to stay physically healthy, is by eating right and exercising daily. Most of all I believe that being spiritually well is most important because you have to keep your self-esteem high, be positive, and be kind everyday. By taking responsibility for your action either good or bad, you will know that you were wrong or being correct in doing that. Making right choices in your life will make you feel great and can lead to great things in life. So in every choice you make for yourself that'll damage your body, you should blame yourself for it not anyone else.
There are many LAUSD services for many things. First example, if you want to graduate you can search up the graduate requirements. You can ask and look for answers, and it will tell you what you need to graduate and what to do after you graduate. Secondly LAUSD has information on colleges and career's you might be interested in. They have personal tips, PSAT/SAT information, and on how to be placed in advanced for a college. Thirdly if you want to study more online, you can by taking a look at the "online learning in LAUSD".
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This quote means that being kind and friendly is also needed to get somewhere in life. Not only being smart but you also have to have manners and be friendly. As in if you are rude but very smart, people are going to dislike you and you might even dislike yourself. Also if you are friendly but not intelligent, you won't get anywhere in life because not only your kindness will help. But if we all ahve character and have intelligence, we would have a good and fun life. In other words we are all smart and we can all be smart, but you have to distinguish yourself by being kind. If you got nothing kind or good to say to others, you shouldn't say anything at all.
Neonatologist (Neonatology)
Duties and responsibilities: Neonatology is a subspecialty of pediatrics that consists of the medical care of newborn infants.
Salary: More than $200 per year.
Education: Must complete 14 years of training that includes four years of undergraduate school and four years of medical school.
Reflection: I would not like to be a neonatologist because it will take a long time to get that career.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
"We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't." by Richard L. Evans
I believe the quote is saying that you should not quit on what you like to do or doing the right thing. Also that we should stop doing what is wrong and we don't want to do. Some people do not have the guts to stand up for what they think is right. Although they should because by doing good in life you will somehow reward yourself. But if we do what is wrong, we will just get punished and that will haunt you for a very long time. So that is why you should choose the right and always do what feels right. Sometimes you even have to show others how to make right choices. In other words the quote is also stating that you should stop doing what is easy, and start doing what is right. I chose the picture at the bottom because it represents the two choices we have, which are good or bad.
Duties and responsibilities: A specialist who has undergone special trainning in a dental school or college after they graduate in dentistry.
Salary: They get paid an average of $196,270.
Education: Doctor of Dental Science degree needed.
Reflection: I would not want to be a orthodontist because I do not like the dentist at all.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another one" by Paul Hatch
This quote is trying to mean that if or when you tell a little lie can turn into a big lie. For example when you lie to your mom that you did clean your room when you didn't, she could walk in and ask you why, and so you'll just lead all those lies on. So that's why it is good to say the truth instead of lying and getting into bigger trouble. When your in a situation when you don't kow what to say, its best to make right choices and say the truth. So be a ctr student of person and not lie about anything. I chose pinocchio as an example because he lies a lot. But then he realized it was bad and stopped lying.
School Break Day

For my Christmas break I went out with friends ice skating. We also went to see a movie and celebrate one of our friends birthday. For Christmas we had traditional tamales to eat and alot of family over. With all the money I recieved for Christmas I went shopping and I am going to a concert of my favorite band with half that money. A ctr experience for me was when a lady was getting pushed by her husband, my mom stopped it and called the police for abusing her. She thanked us for the help and I felt very great helping someone out. Some sports I watched was my friends soccer team and the L.A Kings hockey game. I also went to downtown disney to eat at goofy's kitchen for my little sisters 8th birthday. After that we went to the snow to celebrate New Years Eve. Also my mom is planning to move houses so we looked into many houses too. After all I had a really cool year in 2015.
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