Monday, December 14, 2015
"Always do right." by Mark Twain
What this quote means is that you should always do what is right, no matter what the surcumstances are. For example if it's lying to protect a friend, you shouln't put yourself in that risk. And if you feel what your doing is wrong, stop and think about what is doing right then do that. Also by doing right things you get rewarded for your good deeds maybe not psychally but mentally yes. By always doing right things, other people would want to be like you, choosing the right. It all matters by making right desicions, choices, and acting right. An act of being kind is doing right because that person would appreciate you acting that way. Following your own path is doing good because you won't be like anyone else. But by making your own path correctly and wisely.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company." by Anonymous
I think this means that it is better to be alone doing right things than to be with a big crowd and doing wrong things. Even though you think you have good friends, but offer you drugs, then they aren't really true friends. Most of all if they ask you to ditch a class or do something bad, you should just stay away from them. So in many ways it is better to choose your studies over drugs. It is bettetr because if you do drugs they will affect you, and if you stay in school you will have a good future. It is okay to have friends that do drugs but if you don't do them then maybe then will get the hint and no do frugs themselves. Also if you say no to your friends, they will talk bad about you. So you have to make right decisions for your life.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear." by Evan Stephens
This quote means that while we are all doing the right thing we won't be afraid of anything. For example if you trewat others the way you want to be treated, you don't have to worry about others treating you badly. Same goes to making right choices, because then good things will come your way by making correct desicions. And finally by acting in a rightful matter, you wouldn't have to worry what people think and say about you, not that you should care anyway but they will reconize how great you are. So by doing right things for ourselfs and for others, you don't have to be afraid what comes your way. For example like taking risks and putting yourselfs out there and aim for what you know is good.
Friday, December 4, 2015
1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail." by Lou Holtz
By the meaning of this is that by doing all of these things you will succeed in life. You will succeed because then people can trust, do your best, and treat you in a polite and kindly matter. This will make you look good by you personalitybecause they will regonize how much potential you have. But what it means when it says you won't fail is that you need to make the right desicions for your life so you will not fail. I know I can say yes to all three questions and many other great ones. I can say yes because I know how it feels to be treated bad, not being trusted, and sometimes not doing my best. Now I changed that, now I choose the right because I am a very polite person who is trusted and doing great for myself. This can prepare you for any problems you have. I chose the image below because it shows a group being trusted by just one person of people. Which is how we all should be.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intellegence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." by John F. Kennedy
This quote means that if you do drugs of any kind, your body will not be healthy. Your body will not be healthy because youkill many brain cells by allowing these drugs in you. It is saying that not many people know that their body will be damaged by doing drugs either in the future or in your present. It also states that if you accept drugs when they offer you some, you not only damage your body but you mentally, it messes you up. You have to do the right thing and say no.
Hawaii is a small tropical island that is surrounded by water. Hawaii is known for their beutiful beaches, volcanoes, flowers, dance, and culture. Hawaii is about 4,028 square miles big. One of my aunts has gone to Hawaii before, she mentioned that their coffee and coconuts their are very famous. I want to visit Hawaii for many reasons. One because Elvis Presley shot one of his music videos there. I also want to go because I love oceans, and their ocean is blue and clear and you can accually swim with the fish. I also want to visit some of their volcano national park, it'll be scary but exiting. I also want to learn how to hula dance in Hawaii. I really love coconuts so I would want to eat and drink out of one in Hawaii, same goes to coffee, I really like both. I'm also a person who really likes nature so this vacation would be
perfect for me. There flowers for example are my favorite like the pink jasmine flower I have a tree filled with this flower. My aunt told me when she hicked through the forest, she saw many of the jasmine flowers.
Monday, November 30, 2015
"Kindness is the essence of greatness." by Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think this quote means that when you do things that are for the greater good, makes you a great and better person. For example when you donate money to people who need it, or donate other things that others need more makes you a very good person. Not only will it make the person you donated to feel good but you can also make yourself feel good because you did a good deed for others in your community. To this I have donated my hair two times to children and others who have cancer and can't grow their own. I myself feel good when I do because I know it is for a good cause and it doesn't bug me to donate because I can always grow my hair as long as I want it to. Also I have went to Downtown L.A to feed the homeless people there, it was truly amazing seeing how happy you can make someone just by the little things you do or give them. Honestly even by being kind you can make someone's day. My mom and my step dad always buy little presents for Christmas to take them to the poor kids in Mexico who don't have a family and no one to help them out.
Thanksgiving Week
For my thanksgiving week I mostly spent my time in different places. I went to the mall, to eat, family parties, and looking for new bigger houses, and to downtown disney to watch live music. Also while the time I was at home I would watch movies or my favorite sport hockey. I watched the L.A Kings play and I watched mony Christmas movies. On Thanksgiving Day, we went to my aunts house, and we all ate so much that day. Like every Thanksgiving my mom makes the turkey and the ham. Also durring this break I tried a new look on me, I dyed my hair for the first time and cut it. I only cut it to donate my hair to the children with cancer. I had really fun doing that because dying my hair for the first time was a cool expierience, even though I cried the first night. I am just really glad I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family another year. And I hope to have many more. I am also happy that my family is weird, crazy, and fun because we are different, and different is better in every way.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it." by Marcus Aurelius
This quote is trying to say that you should not do wrong things nor say wrong things. Or you will get punished for it sooner or later by saying or doing wrong things. In other words if you choose the right and do right things, you will feel good about yourself. If you do something bad your going to keep that in your memory because you did something bad. Sometimes when you do good things you get rewarded in a way, probably not physically but mentally. In other words if you do something bad you willnot get anything good out of it. So that is why you shouln't cheat yourself in no way. Always choose the right and make right desicions. So there are many resons to be kind to everyone. I chose the picture in the bottom because it shows that he is lying, but they teach him not to.

Thanksgiving is a national holiday and tradition celebrated on the second Thursday in November. One tradition is also to give thanks to and for everything you have. Many people celebrate with turkey, pumkin pie, mashed potatoes, apple cider, etc. The next day of Thanksgiving Day, it is black Friday where everyone goes all crazy for. Although in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday in October.
Things I'm thankful for:
1. family 2. being alive
3. food on the table 4. roof over my head
5. being loved by many 6. having a mother
7. my dogs 8. having my brothers
9. having technology 10. water to for needs
11. few friends I have 12. good health
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