"Kindness is the essence of greatness." by Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think this quote means that when you do things that are for the greater good, makes you a great and better person. For example when you donate money to people who need it, or donate other things that others need more makes you a very good person. Not only will it make the person you donated to feel good but you can also make yourself feel good because you did a good deed for others in your community. To this I have donated my hair two times to children and others who have cancer and can't grow their own. I myself feel good when I do because I know it is for a good cause and it doesn't bug me to donate because I can always grow my hair as long as I want it to. Also I have went to Downtown L.A to feed the homeless people there, it was truly amazing seeing how happy you can make someone just by the little things you do or give them. Honestly even by being kind you can make someone's day. My mom and my step dad always buy little presents for Christmas to take them to the poor kids in Mexico who don't have a family and no one to help them out.

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