"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." by Peter Vidmar
I believe this quote means that if you have a goal you really want to accomplish, you should tell yourself that or write in on a paper where you can see it everyday. It also means that if you been dreaming of something your whole life, don't do bad things that you may want to do because it may affect accomplishing your number one goal. By reading your number one goal everyday you will go through a lot to get their, because just by sitting down nothing will come your way. That is why Peter Vednar got a perfect ten, because that is what he wanted to be to get there. Probably you should only focus on one important goal and stick with it unill it comes true. After you accompish this main goal youmay want to focus on another one and so on. Atleast untill you accomplish every goal you been dreming of. Honestly reaching your goals all depends on self modivation. As in encouraging yourself to reach your goals and pushing yourself to get there. The image below shows a operson writing down their goals to see them and remind themselfs to get their. Even though it will be hard to get theur but that is the fun of it.

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