Monday, November 30, 2015
Thanksgiving Week
For my thanksgiving week I mostly spent my time in different places. I went to the mall, to eat, family parties, and looking for new bigger houses, and to downtown disney to watch live music. Also while the time I was at home I would watch movies or my favorite sport hockey. I watched the L.A Kings play and I watched mony Christmas movies. On Thanksgiving Day, we went to my aunts house, and we all ate so much that day. Like every Thanksgiving my mom makes the turkey and the ham. Also durring this break I tried a new look on me, I dyed my hair for the first time and cut it. I only cut it to donate my hair to the children with cancer. I had really fun doing that because dying my hair for the first time was a cool expierience, even though I cried the first night. I am just really glad I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family another year. And I hope to have many more. I am also happy that my family is weird, crazy, and fun because we are different, and different is better in every way.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it." by Marcus Aurelius
This quote is trying to say that you should not do wrong things nor say wrong things. Or you will get punished for it sooner or later by saying or doing wrong things. In other words if you choose the right and do right things, you will feel good about yourself. If you do something bad your going to keep that in your memory because you did something bad. Sometimes when you do good things you get rewarded in a way, probably not physically but mentally. In other words if you do something bad you willnot get anything good out of it. So that is why you shouln't cheat yourself in no way. Always choose the right and make right desicions. So there are many resons to be kind to everyone. I chose the picture in the bottom because it shows that he is lying, but they teach him not to.

Thanksgiving is a national holiday and tradition celebrated on the second Thursday in November. One tradition is also to give thanks to and for everything you have. Many people celebrate with turkey, pumkin pie, mashed potatoes, apple cider, etc. The next day of Thanksgiving Day, it is black Friday where everyone goes all crazy for. Although in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday in October.
Things I'm thankful for:
1. family 2. being alive
3. food on the table 4. roof over my head
5. being loved by many 6. having a mother
7. my dogs 8. having my brothers
9. having technology 10. water to for needs
11. few friends I have 12. good health
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
"Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing." by Chick Moorman
What I feel this quote is trying to say, is that if your an honest person and everything it's telling you to be, is better than a prize. For example, if someone is racing and you are about to win, but then your apponent falls and hurts themeselves, you shoul hold back and check up on them. If you do this you will feel good about yourself because you chose to be fair and help that person out. That is why you should be right, fair, and honorable because you have integrity within yourself. You should treat others the way you want to be treated. Sometimes it is good to be honorable because you commit to something that you promise to do. And when you are honorable, people will sometimes return the favor and be honorable back to you. So win or lose, if you tried you best and were fair, you honestly still win. The picture at the bottom shows a little boy helping an elderly women cross the street being fair.
Duties and responsibilities: Oncologist is the branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of cancer.
Salary: Median pay annually between $200,600- $300,500.
Education: Need MD or DO degree, also needs the requirements of American Board of Radiology.

Reflection: No I would not want to be one because it does not catch my attention, even though it looks interesting.
Friday, November 13, 2015
"1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." by W. Clement Stone
I believe the first step means that when someone if offering or telling you to do something wrong, you should not let them comand you to do something yopu don't want to do. So you should have the courage to stand up for yourself. The second step means that you shouldn't live a lie, you should always say and tell the truth. As in noy lieing because thenpeople and even yourself won't believe you, because your living a little lie. The third step means that you should always do the right thing because good things come out of them. For example, when you do right things you make yourself feel good and sometimes even others. I'm guessing if you look up to these 3 steps you would have a good future and lifestyle. Integrity comes from these steps and actions you are taking for your life. The picture at the bottom represents these steps in a way because it shows the girl standing up for herself. She is also not letting people tell her what to do thats bad.

Duties and responsibilities: A professional that takes the art of taking and processing photographs.
Salary: They get paid $28,500 median pay annually.
Education: Need a Bachelor of Arts in photography.
Reflection: Yes I would like to be one because I like taking pictures of new and different things.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Veterans Day
- Veterans Day is a holiday of the anniversary of the end of World War I.
- Veterans Day is November 11th.
- Veterans Day is to honor and show respect for the soldiers and people who were wounded or dead in wars.
- It is important because these soldiers risk their life to protect us and so we won't risk ours.
- Several ways to show respect and honor for these people is to visit a family member or someone you know that was in the wars grave. You can also pray for people that are fighting for us now.

- I like the idea of Veterans Day because I would like to be one when I grow up, or help them out in any type of way.
- I feel like Veterans Day is a tough day for some people who has lost their loved ones in the WW I. In all cases I respect this because I have some family members who are and where veterans. Although some people think that the soldiers don't really risk their lives. Some soldiers lose their memory during war and become homeless. I would honestly like to help these soldiers.

Friday, November 6, 2015
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." Proverbs 13:20
What this quote is trying to say is that if you choose to be with people who drink, smoke, etc, you are choosing the wrong. As in that if you spend most of your time doing those things you are most likely to screw up your career. On the other hand, if you choose to do right things like going to school and things like that, you are choosing the right. As in choosing the right because you won't get yourself in trouble nor have your body in bad health/ shape. What it means by the fools shall be destroyed is that they shouldn't have friends nor destroy others lives. I choose the right by getting good grades and being kind to others.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
"The best recreation is to do good." by William Penn
What this quote means is that in order to feel good about yourself, you have to do good things. An example of ding good is helping others like the elderly, your parents, friends, and sometimes even strangers. Also you can do good things for yourself like getting good grades, making a good name for yourself, being nice and carring, and treating yourself right. Many people help their community also to make it more green and clean. By doing these things, you will feel relaxed, good, and happy because you just helped others. I know I feel good when I help the people who need help. I also feel good when others help me out. But being good is one thing, and doing good is everything. I chose the picture at the bottom because when you do one good thing it can turn out to many more good deeds. As in when your feeling sad or something, and you do something nice for someone you feel good about yourself.
Monday, November 2, 2015
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." by William Penn
I believe this quote means that even if others are doing wrong things does not mean you should too. It is saying that you need to make right choices even if your the only one doing that. So like if someone is telling you to do something mean or bad, and you don't want to do that, you should stand up for yourself even if the others laugh. An example of 'wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it' is like doing something harmful to you or to others and everyone is doing that, because sooner or later they will pay the price. An example of 'right is right, even if everyone is against it' means that if you do good things and others don't do it, that's a good thing because then the universe will reward you. I actually like the meaning of this quote because I tend to do right things for myself to accomplish my goals. If I, or you let others push you around you will not get anywhere to accomplishing your goals. That is why I like doing somethings on my own because no one will be there for me, but myself. The image in the bottom represents the man grabbing what is right choces and not the red one that means bad.

Health Educator
Duties and responsibilities: Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities.
Salary: They get payed about $41,900 median pay annually.
Education: Need a bachelor's degree.

Reflection: No I would not want a job like this because I do not see myself doing this.
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