Veterans Day
- Veterans Day is a holiday of the anniversary of the end of World War I.
- Veterans Day is November 11th.
- Veterans Day is to honor and show respect for the soldiers and people who were wounded or dead in wars.
- It is important because these soldiers risk their life to protect us and so we won't risk ours.
- Several ways to show respect and honor for these people is to visit a family member or someone you know that was in the wars grave. You can also pray for people that are fighting for us now.

- I like the idea of Veterans Day because I would like to be one when I grow up, or help them out in any type of way.
- I feel like Veterans Day is a tough day for some people who has lost their loved ones in the WW I. In all cases I respect this because I have some family members who are and where veterans. Although some people think that the soldiers don't really risk their lives. Some soldiers lose their memory during war and become homeless. I would honestly like to help these soldiers.
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